Welcome Art Explorers!We've come to the end of the school year!
What a fantastic group of students! Sketchbooks go home Thursday, May 30th. Enjoy! It's almost Summer Break, and we're taking a break too. Don't stop making art. See you next year!!! Parents of Art Explorers :
* We would like to keep it easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, for everyone. Art Explorers can register up until 15th of any month. Refunds, discounts, exchanges will be handled on an individual basis. If registering on or after the 1st, please note that your Explorer will start the following session from when payment is made. This allows the instructor to have the time needed to properly prepare instructional materials, as well as, art materials and tools for each Explorer attending.
Your Art Explorer Pass is for the month. Art Explorers Club meets once a week for the duration of the month. There will be 3-5 meetings per month, depending on Holidays and the calendar year. ALL city, county, and homeschool students are welcome!